domingo, 29 de setembro de 2013

Test your 3D vision

Aproxime os olhos bem perto da tela e faça de conta que quer enxergar algo longe, distante, atrás do monitor. Bem devagar, vá afastando os olhos e mantendo um olhar distante. Se não conseguir da primeira vez, tente de novo várias vezes, até que seus olhos se acostumem a não ver o que está no primeiro plano e sim, no plano de fundo. 

Lentamente, uma imagem 3D se tornará visível. No centro do quadro você verá uma forma distinta, bem destacada. 
E aí é aquele aha moment! Conseguiu!
Conseguiu ?
Atenção alunos dos 6 ,7 e 8 anos do período da tarde do Mousinho, entrem 
no espaço do comentário, escreva seu nome e o que você viu. 

Nice week for everybody!      

             Há algumas informações muito legais nesse site. 


terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2013

Teste sua visão 3D, sem óculos especiais!

Aproxime os olhos bem perto da tela e faça de conta que quer enxergar algo longe, distante, atrás do monitor. Bem devagar, vá afastando os olhos e mantendo um olhar distante. Se não conseguir da primeira vez, tente de novo várias vezes, até que seus olhos se acostumem a não ver o que está no primeiro plano e sim, no plano de fundo. KEEP CALM, KEEP TRYING! Lentamente, uma imagem 3D se tornará visível. No centro do quadro você verá uma forma distinta, bem destacada. E aí é aquele aha moment! Conseguiu!

O primeiro e o último aluno (6C,6D,7C,7D,8D,8E,8F) a escrever um comentário dizendo o que viram terão uma surpresa!  
Os que ficarem fora desta, aguardem a próxima ! 


terça-feira, 17 de setembro de 2013

cool job!

                                           Seu próximo escritório pode ser aqui!
                             O jovem selecionado já está lá.  

domingo, 15 de setembro de 2013

BLOG em construção .

Este blog está em construção. É tarefa de um curso online que estou fazendo. Sejam pacientes.  Be patient. The final version will come out soon.

Learning to learn.
Entender com o cérebro funciona é fundamental para aprender a aprender. 

O que acontece dentro do cérebro enquanto sua mente vagueia

What’s going on inside your head when your mind wanders? While it may feel like flipping on a screensaver, our brain is still very much at work. In fact, a particular group of our brain regions actually increase in activity whenever we aren’t focused on a task. This is known as the default mode network. And the functional connections typically include the medial prefrontal cortex, medial parietal cortex, and medial temporal lobes. There is still much debate as to what these cortical associations mean—if anything at all. 

Aprender na terceira idade

As our population ages, it is interesting to note that many people who would in the past have been considered "old" do not feel or behave in that way. Many continue to take courses at universities, community colleges, and community centers. Many travel with Elderhostel groups or other organizations that offer opportunities to learn about parts of the world where they have never been. Many find volunteering in schools or other community organizations especially rewarding. And many are becoming conscious of ways to keep mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy and young. We invite you to share your thoughts on this subject.

Termos usados na internet

Computer Vocabulary
anti-virus software - A program that finds and removes viruses from a computer.
backup - A copy of files from a computer's hard disk, usually made on some external medium such as CD-ROM or flash drive. A backup is made in case the hard disk file(s) are erased or damaged.
bit, bytes - A bit is the smallest piece of information that computers use. For simplicity, a PC uses bits in groups of 8 called bytes (8 bits = 1 byte).
Bluetooth - a way of communicating wirelessly over short distances between electronic devices (for example computer and mobile telephone)
boot, boot up, boot disk - You boot (or boot up) your computer when you switch it on and wait while it prepares itself. Instructions for startup are given to the computer from the boot disk, which is usually the hard disk.
browser, to browse - A browser is a program like Firefox or Internet Explorer. You use it to view or browse the Internet.
bug - A (small) defect or fault in a program.
cache - A kind of memory used to make a computer work faster.
CD-ROM - A disk for storing computer information.
CPU - Central Processing Unit. This is a PC's heart or "brains".
data - usually means the information (text, pictures, audio etc) that you create or share on a computer, as opposed to the programs that manipulate the data.
driver - A small program that tells a PC how a peripheral works.
ebook - an electronic book that can be downloaded and read on a computer or other device.
electronic mail (email, e-mail) - Messages sent from one computer to another. You can see email on the screen or print it out.
file - a specific computer record; it could contain data such as text (eg essay.doc), or a program such as paint.exe.
folder (directory) - A sub-division of a computer's hard disk into which you put files.
font - A particular sort of lettering (on the screen or on paper). Arial is a font. Times New Roman is another.
format - All hard disks have to be electronically prepared for use by a process called formatting. Hard disks are pre-formatted by the computer manufacturer. 
hard disk - The main disk inside a computer used for storing programs and information. It is hard because it is metal. 
hotspot - an area that has an available wireless signal for Internet access (usually public).
icon - A small image or picture on a computer screen that is a symbol for folders, disks, programs etc.
Internet - International network of computers that you connect to by telephone line. Two popular services of the Internet are the World Wide Web and electronic mail.
iPad - a tablet computer created by Apple.
Kb, Mb, Gb - kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes. Used to measure computer memory and storage.
Kindle - a device for downloading and reading ebooks, developed by
memory - Memory is for the temporary storing of information while a computer is being used. 
modem - Equipment connected to a computer for sending/receiving digital information by telephone line.
notebook - a notebook computer; a laptop computer; a folding, portable computer.
operating system (OS) - The basic software that manages a computer (for example, Windows 7, OS X, Unix, iOS).
palmtop - a computer that is small enough to sit on the palm of the hand.
pixel - The image that you see on the screen is made of thousands of tiny dots, points or pixels.
RAM, ROM - Two types of memory. RAM (Random Access Memory) is the main memory used while the PC is working. RAM is temporary. ROM (Read Only Memory) is for information needed by the PC and cannot be changed.
scanner - Equipment for converting paper documents to electronic documents that can be used by a computer.
smartphone - a mobile phone that includes a palmtop computer or PDA and also gives access to Internet and email.
tablet - a tablet computer; a mobile computer consisting of a screen only, and controlled by touching the screen.
USB - abbreviation of "universal serial bus"; a standardized connection for attaching devices to computers etc.
USB flash drive - a small, external device for storing data
virus - A small, unauthorized program that can damage a PC.
Wi-Fi - a system for communicating without wires over a computer network.
World Wide Web, WWW, the Web - WWW are initials that stand for World Wide Web. The Web is one of the services available on the Internet. It lets you access millions of pages through a system of links. Because it is "world-wide", it was originally called the World Wide Web or WWW.
The word "Internet" is often written in capital letters

Você é bom leitor?

Are you a good reader?

Faça o teste e veja se você é um bom leitor. 
Quem lê é o cérebro, não os olhos.
Fixe seus olhos no texto abaixo e deixe que a sua mente leia corretamente o que está escrito sem se preocupar em decifrar códigos.
3M D14 D3 V3R40, 3574V4 N4 PR414, 0853RV4ND0 DU45 CR14NC45 8R1NC4ND0 N4 4R314. 3L45 7R484LH4V4M MU170 C0N57RU1ND0 UM C4573L0 D3 4R314, C0M 70RR35, P4554R3L45 3 P4554G3NS 1N73RN45. QU4ND0 3575V4M QU453 4C484ND0, V310 UM4 0ND4 3 D357RU1U 7UD0, R3DU21ND0 0 C4573L0 4 UM M0N73 D3 4R314 3 35PUM4.
4CH31 QU3, D3P015 D3 74N70 35F0RC0 3 CU1D4D0, 45 CR14NC45 C41R14M N0 CH0R0, C0RR3R4M P3L4 PR414, FUG1ND0 D4 4GU4, R1ND0 D3 M405 D4D45 3 C0M3C4R4M 4 C0N57RU1R 0U7R0 C4573L0. C0MPR33ND1 QU3 H4V14 4PR3ND1D0 UM4 GR4ND3 L1C40; G4574M05 MU170 73MP0 D4 N0554 V1D4 C0N57RU1ND0 4LGUM4 C0154 3 M415 C3D0 0U M415 74RD3, UM4 0ND4 P0D3R4 V1R 3 D357RU1R 7UD0 0 QU3 L3V4M05 74N70 73MP0 P4R4 C0N57RU1R. M45 QU4ND0 1550 4C0N73C3R 50M3N73 4QU3L3 QU3 73M 45 M405 D3 4LGU3M P4R4 53GUR4R, 53R4 C4P42 D3 50RR1R! S0 0 QU3 P3RM4N3C3 3 4 4M124D3, 0 4M0R 3 C4R1NH0.
0 R3570 3 F3170 D3 4R314

Good job!  

Valorize o gênio que você tem!