quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2014

8 ano - Exercícios - tarefa para Novembro /03

Comparative and superlative - Exercises

1.Choose the right alternative: 

  a There are 10 houses on our street. Our house is the ________ one.
biggest  bigger

2. My brother sings better than I do, but I play guitar ________ than he     does.
the best

3. This is ________ song I have ever heard !
the best

4. Tom is ________ than I am.
the strongest

5. Out of all the students in our class, I am ________.
the shortest

6. Everyone says that my sister is ________ than I am.
the best looking
better looking

7. She is ________ girl in our school.
the best looking
better looking

8. This is boring. Let's do something ________.
the most interesting
more interesting

9. This isn't ________ book I have ever read. 
more interesting
the most interesting

10. Your apartment is ________ than mine.
the cleanest

2.Complete com o comparativo. Veja o exemplo.

Ex.: Tokyo is  LARGER   than Shanghai.  (large)
2. Europe is…    than South America.  (small)
3. The Amazon river is …    than the Mississipi river.  (long)
4. Antarctica is   …  than Africa.  (cold)
5. The Caspian sea is  …than lake Michigan.  (deep)
6. Brazil is … than Norway.  (hot)
7. Andagoya, Colombia, is  …   than Santiago, Chile. (wet)
8. The Atlantic ocean is…     than the Mediterranean.  (wide)
9. The Aconcagua is   …  than Mt. McKinley.  (tall)
10.The Niger river is   …  than the Congo river. (short)

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).
  1. 1. My house is (big) …  than yours.
  2. This flower is  (beautiful)    … than that one.
  3. This is the (interesting)   …  book I have ever read.
  4. Non-smokers usually live (long) … than smokers.
  5. Which is the (dangerous) …  animal in the world?
  6. A holiday by the sea is (good) …  than a holiday in the mountains.
  7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) …  than a beer.
  8. Who is the (rich)  …  woman on earth?
  9. The weather this summer is even (bad) …  than last summer.
  10. He was the (clever) ….  thief of all.

         TRADUZIR AS FRASES do exercício 2 

Trabalho para 8 ano C - Data d entrega: November 4

Pesquisar e ilustrar em cartaz :

1. O que pode e não pode ser reciclado. Exemplo no livro p.104-105. Nomes dos materiais devem estar em Inglês e Português.

2. Global warming (aquecimento global). Texto para consulta na p.106 

3. R, R, R  
Exemplo na p. 103 do livro didático. As informações devem estar em Inglês e Português.

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